Concise Minutes - Public Accounts Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Monday, 6 January 2020

Meeting time: 13.02 - 14.31
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Gareth Bennett AM

Vikki Howells AM

Rhianon Passmore AM

Adam Price AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Darren Millar AM (In place of Nick Ramsay AM)

Wales Audit Office:

Adrian Crompton – Auditor General for Wales

Matthew Mortlock

Dave Thomas

Committee Staff:

Adrian Crompton

Matthew Mortlock

Dave Thomas

Fay Bowen (Clerk)

Claire Griffiths (Deputy Clerk)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1        Apologies had been received from Nick Ramsay AM, Committee Chair. Darren Millar AM substituted.

1.2        The Clerk asked for nominations for a temporary Chair under SO 17.22. Jenny Rathbone AM nominated Darren Millar AM, which was endorsed by the Committee.

1.3        The Chair welcomed the Members to the Committee.



2       Paper(s) to note

2.1 The papers were noted.

2.2 The following actions were agreed:

·         NHS Wales Informatics Services: The Committee agreed that the Chair would respond to the Government seeking a situation report on the appointment process for the Chief Digital Officer together with clear definitions of the various Digital Officer roles and a timetable for these appointments.

·         Public Procurement: The Chair agreed to ask the Welsh Government about what considerations, if any, have been given to the potential impact any future tariffs may have for procurement.

·         Scrutiny Of Accounts 2018-19: The Chair agreed to advise the Welsh Government that the Committee will return to the issue of the internal use of Welsh Language in the Welsh Government during the annual scrutiny of accounts in autumn 2020.

·         Waste Management: The Committee agreed to feed their views into the Welsh Government’s current consultation.

·         Medicines Management: The Chair agreed to write to the Welsh Government seeking a progress report on the initiatives to improve repeat prescribing and reducing waste and on improving medicines storage, noting that the updated guidance that was promised has not yet been issued.

·         Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill: The Committee agreed that the Chair would write to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee with their views.

·         Financial Management and Governance in Community Councils:The Committee asked that the letter from the Welsh Government be forwarded to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee.

·         Welsh Government’s relationship with Pinewood: The Chair agreed to write to the Welsh Government seeking further explanation on the  information contained in the letter.</AI2>



2.2   NHS Wales Informatics Services: Letter from the Welsh Government (22 November 2019)



2.2   Inquiry into Regulatory oversight of Housing Associations: Letter from the Welsh Government (25 November 2019)



2.3   Public Procurement: Letter from the Welsh Government (4 December 2019)



2.4   Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill: Correspondence from the Auditor General for Wales (5 December 2019)



2.5   Waste Management: Additional information from Natural Resources Wales (December 2019)



2.6   Scrutiny of Accounts 2018-19: Letter from the Permanent Secretary, Welsh Government (9 December 2019)



2.7   Scrutiny of Accounts 2018-19: Letter from the Permanent Secretary, Welsh Government (10 December 2019)



2.8   Waste Management: Letter from the Welsh Government (10 December 2019)



2.9   Medicines Management: Letter from the Welsh Government (10 December 2019)



2.10 Financial Management and Governance in Community Councils: Letter from the Welsh Government (11 December 2019)



2.11 Committee Correspondence: Assembly Electoral Reform (16 December 2019)




2.12 The Welsh Government’s relationship with Pinewood: Letter from the Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport & Tourism (23 December 2019)



3       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

3.1 The motion was agreed.



4       Primary Care Services in Wales: Briefing from the Wales Audit Office

4.1 The Committee received a briefing from the Wales Audit Office on their Report and agreed that the Chair would write to the Welsh Government asking that the update on Out-of-Hours Services scheduled for July 2020 also covers the action taken on the 10 recommendations contained in the Auditor General’s Report.



5       Cardiff Airport: Letter from the Welsh Government (13 December 2019)

5.1 The Members discussed the letter and also the headlines from Cardiff Airport’s Annual Report and Accounts 2018-19, which were published in late December 2019.

5.2 The Committee agreed that the Chair should write to the Government, seeking further clarification on a number of issues, ahead of their proposed scrutiny session later this term.



6       Welsh Government Financial Support for Business: Consideration of draft letter

6.1 The draft letter was agreed.



7       Ministerial Direction - NHS pension arrangements for 2019/20

7.1 The Auditor General briefed the Committee on the recent Ministerial Direction.

7.2 Members agreed to hold a scrutiny session with the Permanent Secretary to discuss the procedure.

7.3 The Chair agreed to write to HMRC seeking their views on the recent Ministerial Direction.

7.4 The Chair also agreed to write to the Health, Social Care and Sport and Finance Committees advising them of the Committee’s decision and ask that they scrutinise relevant Ministers on the budgetary implications as part of the forthcoming budget scrutiny sessions.





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